Thank the Lord for His purposes for this Ministry. Pray that those plans will be accomplished without fail. Pray that this Ministry will bring positive influence to the region and be a blessing to many. (Gal 3:13-14)
Pray that the hearts of the peoples of Uganda and the regions northward of Uganda will be open to receive this Ministry, its message and mission. Pray that our relationship and partnership with local Ministries and Ministers here in West Nile will be strong and enduring. (2Thess 3:1-2)
Thank the Lord for the leadership of this Ministry. Pray that their lives will manifest the Jesus they teach. Pray that the anointing of the Holy Spirit will be evident in their services to God and humanity. (Ps 67:1-2)
Thank the Lord for bringing His-Sickles International Mission (HIM) to West Nile region of Uganda. Pray that the vision will be sustained, and produce lasting fruits. Pray that the mission will not be distracted. Pray for fresh strategies for lasting impact. (1Thess 3:13)
Thank the Lord for the assurance of His presence, His protection, His provision, and His unfailing promises over the on-going contstruction project and the pursuits of this Ministry. Thank the Lord for the Project Contractor, Engr. Emmanuel Adiga.
Pray for an excellent spirit for him. Pray over his workers, for unity and, health in their bodies. Pray for wisdom, safety, patience, and endurance to start and finish the Project according to schedules. (Col 1:9-13)
Thank God for those He has used to provide for this project, by which the perimeter fence has been built already. Pray that the blessing of God will abound towards them. Pray for a steady flow of resources to finish the entire project to the last detail. (2Cor 9:8)
Thank the Lord for the season we are in. It’s harvest time!! Pray that this Ministry will remain focused on the harvest of souls, the discipling of the Nations, and mobilizing the Body of Christ to engage the harvest.
Thank the Lord for the staff of the Ministry and other associates laboring with them. Pray for more faithful, passionate, visionary, and skilled staff for the tasks ahead. Pray for more laborers for the harvest. (Matt 9:38)
Thank God for peace in South Sudan now. Pray for the South Sudanese refugees in Uganda and other nations. Pray that many of them will be saved. Pray that the saved will be discipled well to discover their purpose and bring glory to God by fulfilling it. Pray for this Ministry’s outreach to refugees, that it will continue to bear lasting fruit. (Phil 1:9-11)
Thank God for what He is doing in Sudan today. A new government is making efforts to bring positive change there. Pray that the gospel will break-in, breakthrough, and break-forth to many unreached peoples there. Pray for more laborers for this task. (1Tim 2:1-2)
Thank the Lord for peace in Uganda. Pray that this Country will become a mission-sending force in Africa, taking the gospel to the ends of the earth from this West Nile region. (Mal 1:11)
Pray overthrow religious Christianity in the region that,s characterized by lukewarmness and complacency (Rev 3:14-22). Pray that this be replaced by true discipleship characterized by wholehearted surrender and abandonment to God.
Pray that believers live in victory over sin and the self-life (Rom 8:5-11) overcoming common temptations (1 Jn 2:15-17) choosing righteousness, walking in the Spirit and producing the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:16-25).
Pray that believers understand that Jesus has imparted His Great Commission heartbeat to them and that missions is not for somebody else.
Pray that every local ministry within the region embraces their core identity as a multiplying, missionary community, proclaiming and demonstrating the Kingdom of God among near and distant unreached peoples.
Pray for Pastors and ministry leaders understand and receive their primary leadership role as mobilizing and equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry (Eph 4:11), particularly the Great Commission.

Our Vision
We exist to discover, disciple, and deploy to the nations, passionate believers in Jesus Christ, who’ll live for the glory of God and the advancement of the gospel in every human endeavor.
Our Location
HIM Base - Bunyu Village, Oluko Sub-county.
Arua, Uganda.